Aerial view of North Park University campus with 芝加哥 skyline.

Office of the Provost


The North Park 教师参议院 is a legislative body of 25 faculty members elected to faithfully represent its interests, 目标, and values (Bylaws VII.A).

As the chief academic policy-making body of the faculty, the purpose of the Senate is to assure faculty participation in the formulation, 实现, and evaluation of select University policies and 目标.


Clockwise:  Evan Kuehn, Parliamentarian; Kelly VanderBrug, Secretary; Mark Gavoor, President; Boaz Johnson, 副总统


  • Representing the faculty in the governance of the University;
  • Encouraging active faculty participation in the initiation, 发展, 实现 and evaluation of University policies and procedures;
  • Discussing and recommending policies and procedures affecting the University as a whole;
  • Promoting the welfare of the faculty, students, and University;
  • Promoting academic excellence within the University community; and
  • Promoting open communication and collaboration (Bylaws VII.B).

The faculty initially approved the formation of the Senate in February 2008; a Senate Procedures Committee wrote the 教师 and Senate Bylaws between 2008 and 2010; and the Senate began its formal responsibilities in August 2010.

教师参议院 and Committee Membership

教师 and Senate Bylaws 

Manual of Academic Personnel Policies (MAPP)

Senate Meeting Documents (Agendas, Minutes, Reports) Log into 教师参议院 Office 365 Group